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As a child I was timid & nervous, I navigated school & went on to train as a Hairdresser, at 17 I burnt myself out & hit rock bottom, feeling unwell, low & depressed, anxiety followed me around like a dark cloud, I recognised that I was obsessed with my health through fear of dying, overthinking, body checking, scared & frightened that something might happen to me, my mind was caught in a web of fear & it impacted me physically as well as mentally, I felt so trapped.

I married at 22 & went on to have 2 beautiful children but my marriage sadly failed after 7 years....... I then went on to meet my now husband, in the time that we we're first together & dating I noticed a detachment from my anxiety, I was so distracted with being in love that I had no room for any negativity only the good stuff! I noticed the shift in myself, like an outside observer & I remember how different I felt by the change that had arrived in my life. It really brought my attention to how powerful the mind is.

At 31 I had my third child & continued on with my life, working as a Hairdresser part time & raising my family, slowly the anxiety returned, I began body scanning again, convincing myself that I was unwell.  Through my 30's & into my 40's I struggled silently with the ongoing anxiety, I felt so in it, I had no idea how to step out of it, but it was all a journey to where I am now, 8 years ago I shifted dramatically & I've been shifting ever since, I started to up level my self with mainly the way I thought, I realised that it was me that was in the driving seat of my life & me that needed to heal myself.

I've always been interested in alternative health & had steered away from western medicine. I was attuned to Reiki, this in itself has taught me a lot about how energy works, shortly after I trained as an Aromatherapist, Essential Oils work to raise the vibration in the body & help what no longer serves us to fall away, just so magical, I recently studied as a Yoga Teacher for 9 months, empowering me mentally & physically, I have a passion for our Breath, a powerful gift, I have also travelled through life with an open mind & studied hugely on a more natural approach to health, a pinnacle moment for me was looking back at how free my mind was when I met my husband & I hadn't a care in the world, when we change our thoughts we change our reality, now that really is so true! correct how you think & watch how you shift.................... I'm doing & have done the self healing work & you can do it too, transition your life & remove the fear, this is a beautiful, empowering, life changing journey, one that everyone deserve's, I no longer struggle with anxiety, I'M FREE.......................... 


All of my offerings & courses are created to help anyone who feels how I did, you can truly heal & find yourself again, you just need to believe, use the tools that I share & know that you can SHIFT


I've created my own method called THE AROMATIC REBELTM & I'd love to share my Course with you, I'll take you on a journey for 8 weeks & guide you through a TRANSFORMATION to rediscover the true you & leave behind the fear.


I also have One to One Sessions within my Offerings where you can book an appointment & I can support you on a more personal level, looking at you as a whole & how we can create a protocol that's personal to you, this can be done face to face or over a Zoom Session


I'm so passionate about helping people to find their inner strength, its important to find happiness & spiral back up into an empowered women, living a higher vibrational life, full of joy!!

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